
Version / Date Changes
2.2.1 / 01.07.2024
  • Show some infos about recognized contents of these new .BIN files.
2.2.0 / 07.02.2024
  • 🚀 Happy new year for 2023 and 2024!
  • Additional infos now contains some info about MMI updates (if available).
2.1.0 / 21.11.2022
  • Added back the API functionality. Mail, if you want to use it.
2.0.5 / 19.10.2022
  • Fixed a severe bug which caused a small data loss while migrating to v2. Could have affected the search as well. Data is restored. More info here
2.0.4 / 06.10.2022
  • VCDS optimizations, if address could be read but not the HW/SW line, output warning.
  • Added MQB BCM info file link
  • Show import date next to version (if not shown, the version was from the starting dataset)
2.0.3 / 11.07.2022
  • VCDS optimizations, if ECU cannot be reached. Those parts are now skipped.
2.0.2 / 07.07.2022
  • The VCDS AutoScan is back! (Hit the arrow next to the "Search" button)
    • The new engine is 3 times smaller than the old one and even much simpler 😎
    • If you would ever need the parsing function, its free! See: My Github Gist
  • Some improvements inside the search engine for the VCDS search.
2.0.1 / 03.07.2022
  • DSG stuff is back
  • You can enter the telegram channel for database update notification or subscribe to the email notifications (see Update Viewer)
2.0.0 / 30.06.2022
  • New design, new Framework.
  • New update mechanism (still community contributed)
  • The Filelist and Update viewer ist back!

V1 Changelog

  • 1.8.0 (03.01.2022)
    • Happy new year!
    • Removed VCDS Upload entirely, I do not maintain the code any longer, sorry. Please check ECU by ECU :/
    • The results are now sorted correct again alphabetically.
    • The data are now updated again with another data source.
    • Cleaned up the code a bit, nothing which anyone else would notice, really!
  • 1.7.1 (27.08.2021)
    • Fixed VCDS AutoScan Upload. Should work again now.
  • 1.7.0 (08.08.2021)
    • Updated search engine to use a static file with a file listing.
  • 1.6.1 (08.11.2020)
    • Fixed some start-issues for the new updater. It now handles interrupted downloads, caused by closed connections during download from VW. Should work better now..
  • 1.6.0 (07.11.2020)
    • Completely new full automatic updater with live infos!
  • 1.5.2 (03.02.2020)
    • New little helper which automatically fetches latest FTP-Links from erWin-Web. Makes future disc-updates easier for me :)
  • 1.5.1 (20.01.2020)
    • Basic API function: Simply add a "&json" to the request to receive JSON-data for any integration. This may change in the future due to a planned bigger update of the whole application
  • 1.5.0 (18.09.2019)
    • History-Feature: Vag-Flashinfo now only ADD files to the database, never removes entries. THX to "Red John" for the older file-database
      I started with an older archive of combined flashdiscs. Starting today, the updater only add new files from the flashdisc-archive to the database.
    • "New on this disc"-feature: Shows what is new since the last update.
  • 1.4.0 (12.07.2018)
    • Changed code, to deal with the new .zip structure
    • The Filelists have a new design
  • 1.3.10 (29.06.2018)
    • Added PHP7 compatibility
  • 1.3.9 (09.06.2017)
    • Got additional stt files (thanks to Xs4) and added them to a separate database.
    • Later this year, I'll try to recode the page and add some tools and colors (uhh, colors!). Own domain registered already ;)
  • 1.3.8 (08.12.2016)
    • Got additional stt files (thanks to S. F.) and added them to a separate database.
      Results from this database are marked with "Additional STT files (not in flashdiscs anymore)" because these files are not in the current flashdiscs Wanna try it?
    • Uuhh, a new icon!
  • 1.3.7 (07.012.2016)
  • 1.3.6 (22.09.2016)
    • Re-activated GBox-search, no warranty, dont know if provided data are correct (Data with "n/a" are from second source file.).
  • 1.3.5 (18.10.2015)
    • File date and filesize shown in resulttable
  • 1.3.4 (27.03.2015)
    • Added support for new VCDS-Version (and added fallback for newer ones)
  • 1.3.3 (24.02.2015)
    • Added handling for interesting non-tabbed format (maybe only for
    • REMEBER: No support for VCP AutoScans. Maybe someday... Maybe not.. I dont know.
  • 1.3.2 (22.02.2015)
    • Fixed unwanted message "You did not provided a partnumber" if using AutoScan with ECU which could not be reached.
  • 1.3.1 (21.02.2015)
    • Overhaul of VCDS AutoScan Upload
  • 1.3.0 (30.11.2014)
    • VCDS AutoScan Upload
      • Currently supported:,,,
      • Found bug? Mail me with Scan.
      • The AutoScan is uploaded and processed via PHP's upload handling ($_FILES).
        I read the file directly from $_FILES["as"]["tmp_name"]. This means, that PHP deletes the Scan immediately after loading the result-page! Nothing is saved (VIN;Scan)!
  • 1.2.2 (13.11.2014)
    • Fixed non-functional GBox-search due to changes in v. 1.2.0 - sorry!
  • 1.2.1 (31.10.2014)
    • Added Bentley's 2013 flashdisc
    • Fixed wrong placing of additional underscore after FL_
  • 1.2.0 (28.10.2014)
    • No need to select brand before searching.BETA :P
  • 1.1.1 (21.10.2014)
    • Fixed partial partnumber search (like ...035161...) - Has no one recognized this mistake?! :)
    • Some UI changes
  • 1.1.0 (03.10.2014)
    • Gearbox/DSG files are now translated (based on a text-file which I've found on the www...).
      You dont have to select a brand.
      You can search for partnumber in filename (e.g. 0698V4102) or translated partnumber (02E300011CJ).
  • 1.0.6 (12.09.2014)
    • Hover version to get the file "Last changed" date (
  • 1.0.5 (07.09.2014)
    • Some UI changes
  • 1.0.4 (06.08.2014)
    • Uh.. overdue update, right? - whatever:
    • Some search optimizations. Additional part info's should now be displayed correctly (e.g. Lenkung or DSG stuff.)
    • If partnumber is not available, the whole filename is displayed instead
    • Partnumber is now really case insensitive
    • If you find some mistakes within the updated search, let me know ;)
    • Revised on 6th August! -> BCM-files now displayed correctly again ;)
  • 1.0.3 (28.12.2013)
    • Hint about still enabled BCM-field after submit.
  • 1.0.2 (27.12.2013)
    • Another filename fix for multiple placeholders
    • New font: Exo2 (Google Fonts) for better reading
  • 1.0.1 (27.12.2013)
    • Filename fix for files like XXXXXXXXX_X_VERSION (e.g. 5K0907044)
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release