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Data Updated: 31.10.2024 History
Volkswagen 25.10.2024 (Filelist)
Nutzfahrzeuge 24.10.2024 (Filelist)
Audi 30.10.2024 (Filelist)
Skoda 29.10.2024 (Filelist)
Seat 28.10.2024 (Filelist)
Bentley 24.10.2024 (Filelist)
Lamborghini 29.10.2024 (Filelist)
MAN 25.09.2024 (Filelist)
Additional things
MQB BCM Flashident A collection of MQB BCM infos. thx @ Medusa852
MQB ABS Flashinfo A collection of MQB ABS infos. thx @ Medusa852
Infos about version logic
MIB-Helper A tool to check MIB radio SW version, map updates, etc. by entering SW Train
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